DR Landolphi.com
Publications by Dr. Daniel R. Landolphi
Cardiac Cavernous Hemangioma mimicking a Pericardial Cyst: Atypical Echocardiographic
Appearance of a Rare Cardiac Tumor
Reprint of Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography
(June 1997)
Journal Article.pdf
Reduction of capsular polysaccharide and potentiation of aminoglycoside inhibition in
Gram-negative bacteria by bismuth salicylate
Reprint of Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (1991)
Liver Function.pdf
Interpretation of Liver Function Tests in Infectious Disease
Hospital Physician, August 1990
Pleural Fluid.pdf
Pleural Fluid Analysis in Infectious Disease
Hospital Physician, April 1990